Wednesday, February 4, 2009


HAIRCUT. I know can you believe that I have never taken her to get her hair cut, the only two people who have ever cut her hair would be Derick and her, but not enough to take her in, or even notice. (like Ava Anyways she did so good, and has been playing with her hair ALL DAY. I might go shorter next time, but I am very content for now! ENJOY


JoJo said...

She is such an adorable little girl.

Anonymous said...

Finally! Yours hair is so pretty, but your still ugly bugley!

Ryan & Lani Fenn said...

Raegan is so stinkin cute!.. all of your kids are cute! We miss you guys & hope all is well with you!

Jon + Carly said...

She is so cute with her soft , short hair.

Bunnell's said...

So jealous...flip flops...we are not even close to that weather. HOW ADORABLE...Linds...I can't believe how big they are.

Fun times:)

Ashley said...

OMG, I can't believe you didn't even tell me!!! She's looks so cute, josey wosey is adorable..I love the shoes too!!! She is freakin gorgeous!!!

Miller Time said...

Ahhh Kitty! Sooo Pretty! Now you can look at yourself all day long and say....Im gouuurrgggaasss! You are a such a doll I want to put her in my pocket and take her back to Texas with me! Maybe now I will be able to do her hair other then my 'side' ponytails! I love you are the prettiest princess EVER!!
Love Aunt Megan XoXo

Brookie said...

haha...she is a beautiful little girl:)

The Faris Family said...

i can't believe how big raegan and aiden are getting! Raegan's hair is so cute. was really long before.

we miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

She is such a beautiful little girl!