Aiden had tubes put into his ears about 1 1/2 ago, and we just recently found out hat one of his tubes had fallen out. Well that can be good or bad news, and in this case I am not really sure what to feel. Aiden has had this terrible cough for about 4 weeks now, so I decided to take him into the doctor to see if it was like bronchitis?? or something like that, I know better to rush them in for everything... most likely it will be viral and will pass. So off we went to the doctor today, 1 reason being for the cough, one reason being that yesterday we were trying to take family pictures for our Christmas cards, and I needed some extra light so I took the lamp shade off the lamp, and yep Aiden touched the light bulb and fried his hand, so that being the other reason. So we were at the doctor, and all is well, no fluid in the lungs, no rsv, no nothing they sound good, but how about them ears, what is the story with those. So he has always had major mochos and still to this day he does it is NASTY, so I asked the doctor, you know he has been tugging at his ears quite a bit, do you think his cough has something to do with the drainage of his nose, and possibly his ears. So my wonderful doctor checked his ears and sure enough, in BOTH EARS there is fluid, which could possibly cause the cough, and nasty nose. They are all connected. So I am so bumbed because I kinda had a feeling that our journey with Aiden and his ears was not over. So now we get to visit the ENT, and have all kinds of hearing tests done again on Aiden(which requires him to be sedated) which freaks me out. His story is quite long for just a 2 year old boy. Those familiar with the story knows how hard the journey has been for me, but we got through it and I know we will get through this one too. So PLEASE if you are reading this pray for both of us, we are going to need it. I think more so me then him, but poor guy has gone through so much as a mother I just hate having him have to go through more. In the end all will be well, but through these time and this news life kinda is not so much fun. Oh how much I love this little boy, he is so sweet. We will keep all updated on Aiden and his journey.
miss lindsey...I am so sorry...I need you here so we can go through all our childrens craziness together. I hope he gets better...soon! Miss ya girl.
Send me your address...pleazzzzzz
Hang in there girl! You are a great mom and those kids are so lucky to have you. You can do it.
im sorry, poor little aiden. i know that being a mother, nothing is worse than your little one not being well. ill keep you in my prayers.
Poor thing. I bet he is a little fighter though. Kids that get the bumber end of things are always so tough. Hopefully this will pass sooner than later for you.
Oh Linds I just found out my little boy who is almost six has to get tubes. I am not excited about it at all!! Also my little guy Aiden grabbed my big hot curling iron and got third degree burns, so dont feel to bad, it happens to all of us!!! (:
poor aiden! that stinks...i really thought things got worked out when you lived here. hope all goes well.
poor sweet boy...sick kids is NEVER fun.
um ps...i dont have your new get it me me, eh!! oxoxox
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